Saturday, December 27, 2008

ClockTower News Interviews Daniel Dromm

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dromm at Queens Pride Holiday Party

Daniel Dromm is the founder of the Queens LGBT Pride Parade and Festival held annually on the first Sunday in June in Jackson Heights. QLGPC, the parade and festival organizers, recently held its annual Thank You Holiday Party at Club Atlantis in Jackson Heights. Here, Dromm introduces Andres Valdez, the Secretary General of Mateando, NYC's first LGBT Argentinean-Uruguayan group, at the party.

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Dromm Wishes You Happy Holidays

Daniel Dromm wishes you and your family Happy Holidays! See you in the New Year!

photo credit: butterflymedia


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Meet Our Next City Council Member Fundraiser

For more information, call (718) 457-2928
or email: [email protected]

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hoy: Líderes alegan más crímenes raciales

From Hoy:

"El último fue el caso de un ecuatoriano brutalmente atacado en Brooklyn"

Líderes hispanos hicieron ayer un llamado nacional para detener el incremento de crímenes raciales contra este colectivo producidos en los últimos meses, el más reciente el asesinato del ecuatoriano José Osvaldo Sucuzhañay.

De este modo, representantes de la coalición Agenda Nacional del Liderazgo Hispano (NHLA, por sus siglas en inglés) se reunieron ayer en la Cámara de Representantes de EEUU para denunciar el asesinato de tres hispanos en los últimos cinco meses.

"Lamentamos el asesinato en Brooklyn (Nueva York) de José Osvaldo Sucuzhañay, cuya vida fue quitada por un grupo de gente, que según los testigos, cometieron un crimen motivado por un acto de odio intolerante", señaló en rueda de prensa el presidente de la NHLA, John Trasviña.

Sucuzhañay, de 31 años, fue agredido mientras regresaba a su casa del brazo de su hermano por tres hombres que bajaron de un automóvil y gritaron insultos contra los latinos y los homosexuales.

El asesinato se produce apenas un mes después de que un grupo de adolescentes acuchillara, también en el estado de Nueva York, al ecuatoriano Marcelo Lucero, de 37 años.

Estas trágicas muertes evidencian, según la NHLA, la creciente ola de odio que sacude al país, dónde el pasado mes de julio un grupo de jóvenes golpeó hasta la muerte al mexicano Luis Ramírez, de 25 años, en Shenandoah (Pensilvania). Por ese motivo, las asociaciones pidieron que "la legislación nacional debe ser una prioridad". •

El presidente de la NHLA recordó que los últimos datos de la Oficina de Investigación Federal (FBI) resaltan que "los crímenes de odio en contra de los latinos crecieron un 40 por ciento en los últimos cuatro años".

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Dromm Hosts A Screening Of The Classic Film "Holiday Inn"

Daniel Dromm will host a free Senior Movie Matinee of "Holiday Inn" (1942) on Saturday, December 30th from 2pm-4pm at the Jewish Center of Jackson Heights. This wonderful holiday classic will be back on the big screen again -- Don't Miss It! Come in from the cold and enjoy this film in the company of our neighbors. Complimentary refreshments will be served. For more free tickets, call 718-457-2928 or email [email protected].

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mole's Progressive: Dromm is 'Excellent Candidate'

From Mole's Progressive:

Let me highlight some excellent candidates running in New York in 2009:
Daniel Dromm for City Council: a public school teacher running for the City Council District 25 seat in Queens. He was a founder of the Lesbian and Gay Democratic Club of Queens and chapter leader of United Federation of Teachers, PS 199Q. He has been endorsed by the United Federation of Teachers, Mark Green, and others. WFP seem to be considering him as well. Dromm received the "Community Service Impact Award" from the Times Ledger Newspapers (2006), the "Outstanding Teacher of the Year" PS 199Q Principal's Award (2006), and the "Citation of Honor" from the Queens Borough President (1995). Seems like exactly the experience we need on the City Council.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dromm Featured at ChangeNYC.Org

ChangeNYC.Org has featured Daniel Dromm in their "Meet The Candidates" section.

ChangeNYC.Org is an organization unifying our City’s Democratic Party by welcoming all New Yorkers back into the political process. We are a coalition of real, everyday New Yorkers – young voters, progressives, neighborhood leaders, community bloggers, good government groups, and even conservatives – who believe that in cooperation we can bring the change to our City that together we have begun to bring to our nation.

In the spirit of the Obama campaign, we are revitalizing democracy from the grassroots on up in all five boroughs. Led by your voice and your priorities, and funded exclusively by your financial support, we are connecting, organizing, educating, and empowering ordinary citizens to create the Democratic Party our members think will best stand for their principles.

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Monday, December 8, 2008

Dromm Condemns Anti-Latino, Anti-Gay Hate Crime

Statement from Daniel Dromm:

While I cannot attend the press conference scheduled by NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn at 12:30 PM today on the steps of City Hall because I am teaching in a NYC public school, I want to add my voice to other community leaders speaking out against this horrific hate crime.

It is particularly unfortunate that this family has to suffer this violent act of hate during the Holiday season. What is supposed to be a happy, family oriented time of year has been destroyed for this family.

When hate crimes are committed it is particularly important for all community members to speak out against them. The perpetrators are trying to send a message to the community that it is okay to hate. We need to stand up to that wrongful type of thinking and condemn the violence.

While this crime occurred in Brooklyn, the victim lays in Elmhurst Hospital struggling to hold on to his life. Queens has unfortunately suffered through this type of violence before when Julio Rivera, Steen Keith Fenrich and Edgar Garzon were brutally murdered by hate.

I call upon the NYC Department of Education to implement a curriculum that teaches tolerance of all of NYC's diverse populations. We need to educate our youth that hatred is wrong.

My prayers and thoughts go out to the victim and his family. I promise to pursue justice in this case.


Leonor and Armando Garzon Endorse Daniel Dromm

Leonor and Armando Garzon have endorsed Daniel Dromm for the New York City Council, 25th District. The Garzons recently became citizens and have said that their first vote will be for Daniel Dromm. Dromm worked tirelessly with the Garzons in aftermath of the murder of their son, Edgar, in 2001 in Jackson Heights. Shortly before 4 a.m., on Aug. 15, 2001, after leaving Friend's Tavern, a gay bar on Roosevelt Avenue, Edgar was walking to his home in Jackson Heights when John McGhee, 40, jumped out of a car and savagely attacked him with a baseball bat or a lead pipe. Garzón's skull was crushed and he never regained consciousness. He was 35 when he died in Elmhurst Hospital Center on Sept. 4, 2001. His grieving parents have been tireless in pursuing justice. They have knocked on doors, talked to politicians and community leaders, questioned the police and befriended the media. And after seven years they were able to see the brutal killer of their well-liked son brought to justice.

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dromm Supports Queens Vantage Tenants' Council Effort to Protect Renters

Daniel Dromm pauses while speaking in Spanish to the Queens Vantage Tenants' Council to allow a translator (right) to translate his words into English.

On December 3, 2008, Queens Vantage Tenants' Council (QVTC) held a rally at St. Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Church in Jackson Heights which was attended by over 250 people. Dromm spoke out against the abuses of Vantage Properties (and its chief financial backer, Apollo Real Estate Advisors) which owns numerous buildings in the 25th Council District.

Many tenants accuse Vantage of using many under-handed and possibly illegal tactics to force tenants from their homes including taking many tenants to court for no reason, harassing tenants who cannot produce a valid lease and trying to evict those tenants even though they have lived in their apartment for many years.

Vantage has been alleged to remove superintendents from a number of its buildings and telling tenants to call a service number when they have concerns or need repairs. Vantage has also been reported to return rent checks from tenants because of minor technicalities and thereby triggering eviction proceedings.

At the rally, Dromm spoke in Spanish and said, "I fully understand what you are going through having myself been a victim of an abusive landlord. Vantage needs to understand that although these are just investments to them; to us, they are our homes." Dromm served on the executive board of the tenants association of the rent-stabilized building where he used to live (70-35 Broadway) in Jackson Heights during the 1980's. Dromm has been fighting for tenants issues for over 25 years.

Dromm signed the QVTC's pledge promising "to stick by you through this battle. The only way Vantage can win is if we don't remain united in our efforts to secure justice. We must stay united."

Dromm supports the Council's demands that Vantage stop harassing tenants, that an independent monitor review all of Vantage's cases before Vantage takes them to court and that Apollo write a letter to all its tenants in all its buildings explaining who they are and that they will address the concerns of the QVTC.

In conclusion, Dromm thanked the Council and one of the main organizers of the event, Robert McCreanor, Director of Legal Services for the Immigrant Tenant Advocacy Project of the Catholic Migration Office of the Diocese of Brooklyn.

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Dromm Attends NAACP Freedom Fund Luncheon

Daniel Dromm attended the NAACP/Corona-East Elmhurst Branch's annual Freedom Fund fundraiser and scholarship luncheon held at Dante's Caterers in Jackson Heights on December 6, 2008. Dromm has been a proud, longtime, active member of the NAACP. The event was particularly poignant this year because of the election of the United States first African American president, Barack Obama. The NAACP has been in the forefront of the battle to secure equal rights for all people for almost 100 years.

Dromm, NAACP president George Gibson and Tarik Coles, State Committee Member for the 35th Assembly District.

Dromm poses with NAACP honorees District Leader Veta Brome (left) and Dromm's friend, Selma Heraldo. She lives next door to the Louis Armstrong home and museum in Corona. Selma was a close friend to Lucille Armstrong and often traveled with her and Sachmo.

LeFrak City Merchants' Association president Jim Galloway (who has endorsed Dromm's candidacy), Selma Heraldo, and Dromm.

Dromm with Lester Youngblood, president of the LeFrak City Tenants Association.

Additionally, the NAACP honored Ms. Meta Barnes, Mr. Lucius Benson and Mr. John Houston.

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dromm Attends SEIU Local 32BJ Candidate Reception

Daniel Dromm joined 32BJ Union President Mike Fishman and the leadership of SEIU Local 32BJ for a candidate reception to kick-off the union's 2009 political and policy agenda for New York City. The event gave candidates running for Mayor, Comptroller, Public Advocate, Borough President, and Council the opportunity to hear about 32BJ's policy priorities for the next four years and beyond.

32BJ represents tens of thousands of building service workers in New York City; our commitment to improving the lives of all of New York's working families is the foundation of the union's 2009 platform. 32BJ looks forward to engaging candidates on the issues that impact low-wage workers - good jobs that pay family-sustaining wages, healthcare, affordable housing, and responsible government. This reception was the first in a series of events to discuss the issues with candidates and engage leaders in a discussion on how to best address the issues that matter to New York's working poor.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dromm Holds Successful Birthday Fundraiser

City Council Candidate Daniel Dromm speaks at his fundraiser at Natives Restaurant.
Among the many supporters at Dromm's fundraiser were his mother, Audrey Gallagher, with Maureen Allen, State Committee Member, and Ivan Lafayette, former State Assemblyman.

December 3, 2008 - City Council candidate and Democratic District Leader Daniel Dromm held a hugely successful fundraiser last night at Natives Restaurant in Jackson Heights. Dromm is running for the 25th Council District (Jackson Heights, Elmhurst, E. Elmhurst, Corona, LeFrak City, Rego Park, and Woodside) seat currently held by Helen Sears.

More than 100 people attended the event, which was billed as a “Birthday Fundraiser.” The guests included NYC Council Member Eric Gioia, former NYS Assembly Member Ivan Lafayette, District Leader Ellen Raffaele, District Leader Dorothy Phelan, State Committeewoman Maureen Allen, State Committeeman Diego Freire, City Council Candidate Julissa Ferreras (District 21). Lillian Kowalsky, president of the 115th Precinct Community Council, Yonel Letellier, Chief of Staff to Assemblyman Jose Peralta (who was in Albany), Rev. Ron Tompkins, pastor of the Community Methodist Church, Brendan Fay, founder, Queens St. Patrick's Parade, and David Anderson, Queens Humanist Center were also there, among others.

Dromm is a veteran New York City public school teacher and United Federation of Teachers Chapter Leader. He has been involved in the community for almost 20 years in various capacities. He founded the New Visions Democratic Club and the Lesbian and Gay Democratic Club. He is a board member of the Kupferberg Holocaust Center and Archives at Queensborough Community College and has been very active in the Jackson Heights Beautification Group.

At the event, Dromm said, “It’s time for a change in the NYC Council. I have hope that we can live in better communities with less noise and congestion and that we can have better schools in which to educate our children. As a bilingual community advocate, I can communicate with many people in the district in a way that other candidates can’t.”

Dromm spoke in Spanish at the event. He said, “I believe we can do better. This campaign is not about me. It’s about a pragmatic, progressive agenda that we want to implement in New York City.”

“I want to keep New York City a union town,” Dromm continued. He told a story about his family’s patriarch saying, “Get a union job. Get a job that offers job security, health benefits and a pension.” Dromm wants to see all New Yorkers get the same.

In conclusion, Dromm asked the attendees to reflect on a central question: “Is the Council District better off than it was four or eight years ago? I think you will agree with me that we can do better and that’s why I’m running for the New York City Council.”

The United Federation of Teachers union, Assemblyman Jose Peralta, Council Members Eric Gioia and Rosie Mendez, District Leader Dorothy Phelan, State Committeewoman Maureen Allen and Air America CEO and former Public Advocate Mark Green, among others, have endorsed Dromm.

photo credit: Una Sola Voz

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Dromm: "Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?"

(excerpt from Daniel Dromm's speech, December 2nd, 2008)

Our campaign is a pragmatic and progressive movement to bring about change in Jackson Heights, Elmhurst, East Elmhurst, Corona, LeFrak City, Rego Park, and Woodside.

It's time for a change. It's time for a change.

This change is dependent upon you. You can make it happen. I am only a figure-head. We need you to get involved and spread the word.

This is about making our schools better so we can ensure a better future for our children. This is about holding on to the hope that we can make our neighborhoods a better place in which to live.

It's about hope for the future and what it holds.

I ask you to ask yourself: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? Are our neighborhoods better than they were four years ago?

I say we can do better. I know we can do better. We can improve our quality of life. Join me as we bring new leadership to the New York City Council.

photo credit: flickr/cerdsp


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Li Yu Endorses Daniel Dromm

Community activist and civic leader Li Yu has endorsed Daniel Dromm for the New York City Council, 25th District. Li is an active part of the 78th Street Play Street and a volunteer with the Jackson Heights Film and Food Festival. She is a former board member of the Jackson Heights Beautification Group where she started the Clean Streets program.


Dromms Attends Queens Green Drinks

pictured (left to right): Daniel Dromm, Jackson Heights Green organizer Ron Hayduk and Friends of Travers Park chairman Len Maniace.

Jackson Heights Green and Friends of Travers Park hosted the December edition of Queens Green Drinks at La Terreza. District Leader and City Council candidate, Daniel Dromm, attended to support the local initiative to improve and expand open space (especially parks and playgrounds).

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Dromm Speaks at Vigil for Mumbai Victims

District Leader Daniel Dromm attended the candlelight vigil in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in Mumbai organized by the Jackson Heights Merchants Association. Dromm said, "My heart goes out to the victims and their families. It is important that our community stands together and speaks out against these heinous crimes. Especially here in Queens and in Jackson Heights, we need to raises our voices and join together to make sure this type of thing does NOT happen again. We can not tolerate this hatred and violence."

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