Sunday, February 24, 2008

Rosie Mendez Endorses Daniel Dromm

City Council Member Rosie Mendez has endorsed Daniel Dromm in his campaign for the 25th District City Council seat.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

City Hall News: Dromm Positioned as "Education Candidate"

From City Hall News: "Dromm, a public school teacher for the past 24 years, is positioning himself as the education candidate. What this district wants is a change in education. They want someone who knows the educational system,” he said. He has raised $31,666 so far, city campaign finance records show.

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Chronicle: Funding Law Helps Dromm

From Queens Chronicle: "Campaign funds are making news from the presidential race on down, as smaller contributors, not established funding experts, are making the difference to candidates."...“My experience with campaign finance and term limits is that it’s opening the door to people like myself to run for public office,” said Daniel Dromm — a likely candidate for City Council in Jackson Heights — in an interview last month. “It’s the 6-to-1 matching that really makes it possible for community based people to run.”

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tribune Names Dromm "Rising Star"

From Queens Tribune: "Longtime gay activist and now Democratic regular, District Leader Danny Dromm leads the field as the likely heir to the seat held by Helen Sears in the 25th. With Bryan PuFolkes and Alfonso Quiroz both mentioned as possible candidates, it seems it may take a return from the State Senate by John Sabini to cause the Dromm train from stalling. "


Friday, February 1, 2008

Leroy Comrie Endorses Daniel Dromm

City Council Member Leroy Comrie has endorsed Daniel Dromm in his campaign for the 25th District City Council seat.
