Thursday, April 22, 2010

Queens Chronicle: Dromm Fights for Open Space in Jackson Heights

From Queens Chronicle: By Elizabeth Daley

As the city expands, space for walking, biking and even driving has become scarce in some communities. Beyond the potholes that wreck havoc on everyone, city streets are too often the scene of terrible accidents.

Children who don’t have enough space to play venture out of safety, ducking under cars to pick up lost balls, while the elderly put their lives at risk attempting to cross streets expediently.

At a Community Board 3 meeting, Councilman Daniel Dromm (D-Jackson Heights) proposed closing a street surrounding Travers Park so that kids in Jackson Heights could have more space to play this summer.

The issue was also addressed at an April 14 parks and recreation town hall meeting attended by 250 people, Dromm said. Community board members responded favorably to Dromm’s proposal to close 78th Street during the summer, but the plan has not yet been approved. The street was closed on weekends last year as a “Play Street,” according to the Department of Transportation.

Dromm’s suggestion comes as the DOT hosts a series of workshops in Jackson Heights, helping to establish a vision for how streets in the neighborhood will look and function in the future.

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