
Reducing Class Size

Daniel Dromm has the background, experience and record to be a leader for education reform. As a teacher with twenty-plus years in the classroom, he knows first-hand that class size is the most significant factor in a successful classroom. Compelling evidence demonstrates that reducing class size has a positive effect on student achievement overall and an especially significant impact on the education of inner-city children. Dromm has been a long-time advocate for reducing class size to help raise student achievement, especially in at-risk schools. Smaller classes improve classroom atmosphere, students receive more individualized attention and teachers have flexibility to use different instructional approaches and assignments.

As your city council representative, he will write legislation to reduce class size by increasing funding for additional teachers and more school construction throughout the city.

Requiring Parental Involvement

In study after study, researchers discover how important it is for parents to be actively involved in their child's education. As a teacher, Daniel Dromm can personally attest to the fact that the more a parent is involved in a child’s learning, the more successful the student is. He believes that parents should be required to meet with their children’s teachers on a regular basis -- to access the student’s academic performance, to actively organize and monitor a child's time, to help with homework and to discuss school matters.

As your city council representative, Dromm will create a program that requires parental involvement in a child's education. This will require additional monies and resources directed toward parental involvement but it is more than worth it.

PEOPLE FOR DANIEL DROMM P.O.Box 55 Jackson Heights NY 11372 [email protected] 718.457.2928

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